IBM Partnerworld
UX Designer
The PartnerWorld digital experience needs to be consistent with and provide a more unified seamless IBM digital experience.
The PartnerWorld ecosystem contains numerous websites filled with varying navigation, and the Business Partners do not have a clear, unified path in understanding the overall site structure and hierarchy
Partners have difficulty connecting with various sources of information throughout PartnerWorld
Align the experience to the PartnerWorld Business Partner enablement initiative
IBM PartnerWorld member pages, PartnerWorld Member home page, PartnerWorld Program console
A UX audit was conducted, revealing what Business Partners are struggling with, enabling us to direct resources and prioritize fixing issues that have the greatest business impact.
The discovery met a necessity for long-term usability. We learned about users and how they interacted with the website, what works and what didn’t, and how to improve the experience. Applying the lessons learned to the new pages and console, while avoiding past mistakes, defined the process moving forward.
The objective of the Business Partner ecosystem is to provide a personalized, world class, digital experience that enables Business Partners to easily discover content, build expertise, develop solutions, try/buy/demo products and services in a consistent unified manner.
The UX Study was a complex process consisting of refined steps and methodologies that were carefully chosen based on the specifics of the pages and the user flow. The evidence of findings, and provide:
- Improved the information architecture, language and navigation of the page that is preventing users from exploring it.
- Simplify navigation experience of the pages and console.
The key to success for this solution is a seamless IBM digital experience which clearly funnels Business Partners through critical business decisions. Unified information architecture, new site structure and hierarchy, and the reconsideration of what content to offer on the pages, greatly improving page engagement.
The objective of these exercises is to showcase current user navigation on the member home page. These initial findings better assisted with creating a seamless digital end-to-end experience for the Business Partner.
Additional objectives as noted by IBM:
- Align the experience to the PartnerWorld Business Partner enablement initiative
- Connect the partners with various sources of information throughout PartnerWorld
Using Hotjar, we have access into online heatmaps to gain insight and track user activity on the member home page. There are three different Hotjar heatmaps used for testing and observations:
- Click and tap heatmaps: Shows where visitors click their cursor on desktop devices and where visitors tap their finger on mobile/tablet devices.
- Move heatmaps: Shows where visitors move their mouse on the screen—providing a very good indication of where the visitor is looking on the page.
- Scroll heatmaps: Shows you the visitor scroll position on a page—including the exact percentage of visitors that see a specific vertical position.
Gathering information from these types of heatmaps can help uncover users’ preferences, behavior patterns and how they interact with feature callouts. Heatmapping can also help determine whether users find the interface simple enough to use and offer insight into which elements they might encounter or prioritize on each screen.
Public page v1 – Click and tap heatmap
This page is being primarily used as an existing partner-login access point. There is a also a decent amount of traffic using the “Join now” option which should be further encouraged in subsequent versions of the page. However, the rest of the page, especially below the fold, appears to be receiving very little engagement or viewership.
Primary Actions
- Member login: 513 clicks
- Member login (black nav bar): 145 clicks
- Product (nav bar):138 clicks
- Join now: 70 clicks
- FAQs page anchor: 29 clicks
- Live chat: 26 clicks
- Note: Very low traffic on the lower half of the page
Public page v2 – Click and tap heatmap
We see an almost identical behavior pattern happening on this second version of the public landing page—the majority of the traffic to the page is using it as a login access point.
There is not much scrolling down or engagement with the rest of the page. It is interesting to note that the second “Join now” button below the fold did capture some clicks that may have otherwise been missed by the first “Join now” button in the leadspace.
Primary Actions
- Member login: 651 clicks
- Join now: 115 clicks
- Profile icon: 95 clicks
- Hamburger menu: 69 clicks
- Join now (below the fold): 21 clicks
Member homepage v17 – Move heatmap
Again, we see most of the engagement happening above the fold, in an upside down “L” pattern—along the left-hand navigation and across the top of the blue navigation bar and search bar. The “Configuration” area gets a fair amount of traffic but far fewer clicks. The sections after “Configuration” see very little traffic or activity.
Member homepage v17 – Scroll heatmap
The heatmap confirms what the two other maps have displayed: very little activity in the lower portions of the page. About 90% of users are staying above the fold.
Primary Actions
- Middle of yellow color is: 75%
- Top of light blue is: 50%
- Middle of indigo is: 25%
- Top of “news and events” is: 15%
- Top of “find out more” is: 9.6%
- Bottom of page is: 7.4%
Member homepage v17 – Click and tap heatmap
Partners are primarily engaging with the mega menus and the search bar at the top of the page. There is a large amount of engagement with the “Update my profile” link on the left-hand menu, and the “Configuration tools” and “My shortcuts” are also two areas of traffic to note as well.
Very little engagement takes place starting with the “My saved searches” section.
Primary Actions
- Search bar: 296 clicks
- Menu | Program: 188 clicks
- Menu | Products: 83 clicks
- Menu | Solutions: 29 clicks
- Menu | Services: 23 clicks
- Menu | Shortcuts: 35 clicks
- Update my profile: 190 clicks
- My shortcuts: 76 clicks
- Configuration tools: 41 clicks
- Today I want to | role selector: 20 clicks
- Find out more | Membership: 10 clicks
- Find out more | Benefits: 6 clicks
- Find out more | Certifications: 5 clicks
- Find out more | Specialties: 1 click
Preliminary Observations
The PartnerWorld ecosystem contains numerous websites filled with varying navigation, and the Business Partners do not have a clear, unified path in understanding the overall site structure and hierarchy:
Initial observations:
- There are two distinct designs of the member home page (last year’s v17e version and this year’s redesign), yet we are observing similar behavior patterns echoed across each of the pages.
- The majority of partners are only using the navigation on the top nav bar (on both versions of the member page) and are not finding the content they are looking for within the body of the page itself.
- Users become frustrated after hunting through the mega-nav menus or the drop down menus and end up using the search bar in attempts to find what they are looking for.
Initial recommendations:
- Activate a hotjar poll or feedback module on the current member home page asking users “What is missing on this page?”
- Consider bringing “My shortcuts” back and make it more prominent so users can customize their own landing page with relevant navigation.
- Work with IBM to identify what is the primary goal/objective of this page from an IBM standpoint—what do we want Partners to do when on this page?
- Identify the sections or pages on PartnerWorld with the most access, and consider adding links to these from the landing page.
- Consider structuring the page IA with the idea that the same partner may have different objectives each time they access this page (just browsing, looking for something specific, has a question and needs to contact someone quickly, trying to take certifications, etc). Group content by tasks rather than by persona.
Overall it appears that the primary area of focus to help improve page engagement should be the information architecture and the reconsideration of what content to offer on the page. Users don’t seem to be finding what they are looking for and spend most of their time hunting through menus or using the search bar.
IBM PartnerWorld Leadership Conference - Interviews & Card Sorting
The IBM PartnerWorld Leadership Conference is a global event hosted in Las Vegas to address the needs of IBM business partner executives and business leaders.
At this year’s event, we interviewed a random sampling of business partners between sessions on February 14th and 15th about the console and the enhanced program.
The goal was to conduct research to better inform recommendations for future console work, onboarding, architecture and the overall business partner experience.
Timing: 2 days of interviews
Activities: Interviews + Card sorting
Number of partners interviewed: 12
Who Was Interviewed
With limited time between sessions, we did a combination of individual and contextual interviews.
Individual Interviews
In individual interviews, an interviewer speaks with a single user for 5 to 30 minutes. Individual interviews allow interviewers to probe the user’s attitudes, beliefs, desires and experiences to get a deeper understanding of the user.
Contextual Interviews
In a contextual interview, an interviewer watches and listens to user interactions. To gain a better understanding of what a user is doing or thinking, the interviewer may ask questions as the user navigates the site. The results are usually qualitative and observational, rather than quantitative and measured. For example, we observed partners as they logged into the console, navigated the Go pages to certifications, and searched through pages.
We identified quick-to-answer questions to ask partners who have limited time between sessions.
5 minutes or less
- How regularly do you access
- Overall, how satisfied are you with the Enhanced Partner Program?
- What is the one thing that frustrates you the most on
We captured the following pre-screening information to add context to results.
Intake questions
- What level in the program has your company achieved?
- What is your role?
- How long have you been an IBM Business Partner?
If a user has more than 5 minutes, we asked additional questions to capture more background information about partners and their habits.
10-15 minutes
- What are the top 3 to 5 areas of that you access on a regular basis?
- How was your last experience using the IBM PartnerWorld website?
- Do you subscribe to Value Package? If so, how did you hear about these?
If a partner had more than 20 minutes to participate, the additional questions focused on specific areas of PartnerWorld.
30 minutes
- What was your onboarding experience like when you joined PartnerWorld?
- How did you discover what steps you needed to complete in order to finalize your registration or login?
- Have you done any product/service/solution specific training? If so, what?
- Are there any trainings you would like to have access to that don’t currently exist on
Company Information
- What areas of under the products/solutions/services sections do you access?
- Why do you access these areas? (Education, updates, training, submitting forms?)
- Administrative
- Technical/Development
- Selling
- Marketing
- Financial
The Enhanced PartnerWorld Program
- How do you monitor/track your progress within the PartnerWorld program?
- Do you feel like you understand how to move to the next Program level?
- Where do you access information and updates about the program? (Emails, website, blogs?)
- Do you attend any IBM or IBM PartnerWorld events? If so, how many per year?
If a partner has more than 30 minutes, we moved the participant into the contextual portion of the interview.
30-60 minutes
- PartnerWorld member homepage
- PartnerWorld Go pages
- Console
Card Sorting
We also assisted with the open card sorting exercises.
The objective for the open card sort was to allow partners to classify cards containing different aspects of PartnerWorld and name their groupings. The data collected from this exercise will help intuitively enhance the PartnerWorld site navigation.
UX Research Findings
Business partners find the enhanced program an improvement from its predecessor, but need a better user experience to help them navigate through the program. PartnerWorld can gain a massive competitive advantage by improving the partner portal by streamlining and simplifying the experience.
Locating information
Partners find it difficult to locate the information they need.
Overall, business partners find it difficult to locate the content that they need. They think the site navigation isn’t intuitive, and often default to search.
Searching for information
Partners find it difficult to search for the information they need.
After not finding what they were initially looking for, business partners turn to the search bar for what they need. Partners are often getting frustrated as their search is not optimized or in chronological order — making it even more difficult to find the information they are trying to locate.
Partner onboarding
Partners generally feel like they need some sort of onboarding.
Overall, new business partners feel that they need onboarding to understand the program, while existing partners feel they need onboarding to understand how to achieve new levels within the program.
Partners want more than just emails.
Business partners feel that they aren’t receiving effective communication as new updates are being made to the PartnerWorld ecosystem.
Partners want to find relevant content faster.
Since there are many different types of partners (i.e. VARs, CSPs, etc.) within different levels of the program, partners are looking for more personalized information.
Partners find the console useful to understanding the program.
Overall, many of the business partners interviewed had never logged into their console before. In some cases, we were able to conduct a more contextual interview style by showing partners how to log in and view their information.
Value Package
Partners find value in Value Package.
Overall, most business partners believed their company subscribed to Value Package. Since many have been partners for years, they assumed they continued to renew their subscription.
Roadmap Visualizations
The goal of our product roadmap is to articulate the PartnerWorld program levels in a way that’s understood by everyone. It was critical to talk to everyone across the teams and make sure everyone was aligned on the best way to present this information.
A pyramid was conceived to show how partners progress through the capability requirements, while displaying the multiple paths that partners can take. The power of this level of information is that more people can easily understand it instead of looking at a laundry list of features. This view begins to tell a clear story. Achievements are attributed to higher levels, with fewer necessary achievements further up the pyramid.
Console Study
Existing challenges:
- Show Business Partners how to take action to the next level, and understand the gaps between each
- Need to update the Alerts section to help partners know what’s expiring / what they’ve achieved
JIRA backlog requests:
- UI
– Separate Deployments and Services from Solutions, and eventually incorporate Badges
– Separate Badges from Certification includingseparate buckets for Specialist and Expert
– Expand the Multi-national aggregation to include competencies and CSAT surveys across CEIDs - Competency
– For each competency, show the gap from achieved Specialist to Expert level - Revenue
– Show revenue contribution for each competency - Alerts
– Progress to Competency achieved
– New Competencies announced
Console Study - Four Areas of Focus
Current status
Program progress
Competency details
Console Study - Current Status
Current console
This section currently displays status and static text updates
Proposed updates
- Include more actionable alerts and notifications
– Program Level Achievement Alert
– Competency Achievement Alert
– New competency available
– Upcoming expirations - Improve clarity of a partner’s current status and the different kinds of levels (World Wide Marketing vs Achieved, etc)
- Explore including My PartnerWorld access
Console Study - Program Progress
Current console
Registered and Silver have the same layout while Gold and Platinum have the same layout.
Proposed updates
This would be the top priority to address for the UI. The goal is to have a more seamless transition to understand how to achieve the next level. Instead of tabbing between levels, the goal would be to flip the X and Y axis to show business partners where they’re tracking between levels and achievements.
Console Study - Competency Details
Current console
The competency section currently has unclear tracking for expert versus specialist. Business partners are also currently unable to select competencies to track towards.
Proposed updates
- Explore overall layout of this section so it doesn’t feel like a completely different section on the same page.
- Show the gap between expert and specialist
- Provide partners with the ability to add or disable competencies
- Enhance progress bars
- Improve display of competencies that are In Progress vs. Achieved
Console Study - Resource/Help
Current console
The resource section only contains Program Guide and Go Pages.
Proposed updates
Explore including more tailored links to program help in this section (possibly mirroring what we are doing on the member home page).
Console Study - Explorations
Sketches and layouts
Whiteboard brainstorming
Console Wireframes
Wireframes were created to show Business Partners how to take action to the next level, and understand the gaps between each. The areas of enhancement include:
Current status
- Program Level, CEID Selector and WW Marketing Level have been reorganized for better usability
- Alerts have been added
Program progress
- Capabilities, Sales Success, Client Satisfaction and Client References have been organized in a linear design to show a quick snapshot of progress
- What’s needed to reach the next level has been incorporated so BPs can easily take action
Competency details
- This has been moved to a separate tab so BPs can more easily see Achieved and In Progress Competencies
- Ability to add and disable competencies
- Displays the gap between Specialist and Expert level competencies • Competency details (drill down)
- Sales success breakdown includes the multiplier
- Will be updated based on the outcome of our discussion
PartnerWorld Home Page Wireframes
Console High-Fidelity Prototype - Annotated
Desktop – Registered
Desktop – Silver
Desktop – Gold
Competency Detail View
PartnerWorld Home Page High-Fidelity Prototype - Annotated
Desktop – Annotations
Desktop – Grids and Hover States